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USDA Organic Castor Oil | Cold-pressed | hexane free

Organic Castor Oil

Penetratres deeper than any other oil

Castor oil possesses a remarkable ability to penetrate deep into your dermis, reaching places that other plant oils can't. The secret behind its penetrating powers lies in its composition. A staggering 90% of this oil consists of ricinoleic acid, which can permeate our skin's layers and even access our circulatory and lymphatic systems. In doing so, it not only nourishes your skin but also stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage facilitating detoxification of your liver and gut.

Organic Castor Oil | Cold Pressed | Hexane FreeOrganic Castor Oil | Cold Pressed | Hexane Free
Organic Castor Oil Roll on Castor Oil | Cold Pressed

Castor Oil for wellbeing

Self Care

Incorporating self-care practices into your routine, such as using castor oil for skin or hair care, can boost self-esteem and self-confidence. These positive feelings can have a beneficial impact on your emotional well-being.


Applying castor oil in the form of a soothing massage can promote relaxation and stress relief. The act of self-massage or taking time for self-care can be emotionally calming.


The self love act of applying castor oil to your body, sends a tender message to your body, initiating the healing journey. The path to physical healing begins with reconnecting to your inner self.

Outer Beauty with Castor OIl


  • Promotes hair growth and thickness.
  • Nourishes and strengthens hair.
  • Controls dandruff and soothes the scalp.


  • Acts as a natural moisturizer.
  • Helps with acne and blemish control.
  • Contains anti-aging properties.
  • Aids in scar healing.


  • Strengthens brittle nails.
  • Softens and moisturizes cuticles.
  • Can be used for nail fungus treatment.

Reconnect, Relax, Restore

Castor oil in traditional & alternative medicine

Digestive Health

Castor oil has been traditionally used as a laxative to relieve constipation. It works by stimulating the muscles of the intestines and promoting bowel movements.

Liver health

Castor oil over the liver is known for promoting liver detoxification, reducing inflammation, and improving blood flow.

Breasts & Womb

Relief from breast pain, support for lymphatic drainage, and reducing the size of fibroids in the breasts. For the womb, castor oil has been shown to offer relief from menstrual pain and endometriosis, as well as, breaking down ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids.